Developed by Ed Redlich and John Bellucci, “Unforgettable” was first released on CBS in September 2011. This crime drama series stars Poppy Montgomery (as Carrie Wells, the Senior Detective), Dylan Walsh (as Al Burns, the lieutenant) and Kevin Rankin (as Roe Sanders, the Junior Detective) in the main roles, along with Britt Lower, Omar Metwally and Deanna Dunagan, who appear as recurring characters.
The mystery drama is rather gripping from the very beginning, when the protagonist, detective Carrie Wells, presents herself in season one opening scene like this: “I’m Carrie Wells. Only a few people in the world have the ability to remember everything. I’m one of them. Pick any day of my life, and I can tell you what I saw or heard: faces, conversations, clues (which comes in handy when you’re a cop). If I miss something the first time, it’s okay. I can go back and look again. My life is…unforgettable.”
The first season of the series was mostly well-received, but in spite of that, its renewal for Season 2 was originally canceled in May 2012. Then, in June the same year CBS decided to pick up the series and get Season 2 ready for release in summer 2013. They kept their promise and “Unforgettable” Season 2 really aired in July 2013 and only a few months later, in September, CBS confirmed that it would be renewed for the third season, set to come out in 2014. However, in October 2014, they canceled the show, and it was believed there would be no new episodes until A&E picked it up for the fourth season in February 2015.
The latest reports about the drama remain the same – A&E canceled it last year and it seems as if they stick to this decision. But, if we take into consideration the previously explained release pattern, we have every reason to believe that either A&E or some other network will eventually pick “Unforgettable” up and renew it for Season 5. We’ll keep you updated.