Upon the release of information that Viz Media will postpone Tokyo Ghoul Season 3, the fans grew a little bit impatient. Namely, the show was supposed to come out during the March of this year, but since the series has not made any progress, we are still to see when its official release date will be announced. The more time passes, the more speculation start to circle, and so, there are even some rumors that we will not be seeing the sequel before the next year.
According to Kevin Hamric’s words taken from an interview, Senior Director (Sales and Marketing), suggested that the series’ Season 3 should be coming out soon. He expects it to be a big success in 2017 and to draw the audience’s attention more than ever before. The same destiny he sees for One Punch Man Season 2.

At least that is what seemed to be his vision. But soon, as Viz Media announced the postponement, he was proved wrong. In fact, it was stated that his interview was not understood properly. And since then there has been no news on Season 3 release for this show. Because of this many fans have started to believe that it will not be released in 2017 at all.
While we are waiting for more info and for the producer’s decision to let it out, for the time being, we can only talk about what we can expect in the next season. It is most likely that it will focus on whose death we witnessed in Season 2. In the new trailer posted on Youtube, we can see a new character who looks very much alike Ken Kaneki. The question that poses is whether that character is Kaneki or in fact a new character in the series. It only remains to wait and see once the next season comes out.