‘The Shannara Chronicles’ Season 2 – Release Date; Author’s Opinion on the Show

Source: comingsoon.net

MTV’s new science fiction series has really caught on recently. It’s called ‘ The Shannara Chronicles ’ and its first season has been quite a success, judging by a great number of positive comments from its audience. Namely, its fans will be thrilled to find out that the second season is expected as well.

The recently adapted novel series ‘The Shannara Chronicles’ follows the story of a girl with a big mission. Believe it or not, it is claimed by many fans the series is likely to be the next ‘Game of Thrones,’ and all of us know how successful TV Show it is.

According to these facts, Season 2 is likely to be filmed, and it will probably follow the same character through a bunch of new challenges. Unfortunately, the release date for this season is still a secret, or it is likely not to have been decided on yet since there are speculations the season is still being written. In the meantime, the author of the novel series which the show is based on expressed his extreme happiness to watch the characters on the TV.

Source: comingsoon.net

Terry Brooks said how he was afraid that it would be terrible in a way. But it turned out to be completely the opposite. Moreover, it was wonderful and watching episodes was a great pleasure for him. He even watched crew shoot all these scenes repeatedly. Additionally, he also pointed out the adaptation is going just as well, as he had hoped it would. Although he tried not to have very high expectations, he feels quite enthusiastic about the whole thing and thinks it is rather good.

Moreover, he said that it was always described as a family drama anyone could watch and that he knew some changes had to be made, but as long as the bones of the story were held together, everything was fine for him.