In 2019 the export value of sweets was almost twice as large as the import value. Chocolate is by far the most popular candy. The Netherlands occupies a prominent place within the EU as a producer of licorice.
Chocolate most important candy

In 2019, the Netherlands exported 1.3 billion euros in sweets. This concerns 400 million kilograms of sweets. 80% of the candy exports go to EU countries. Almost two of them consist of chocolate. Germany and the United Kingdom, in particular, are major buyers of chocolate, but also France and Belgium. Almost all the candy that the Netherlands imports comes from the EU, especially from Germany, Belgium, and the United Kingdom. Chocolate is also the most popular when imported.
In 2019, the Netherlands produced 1.3 billion euros in sweets. For the past ten years, the Netherlands has been the largest manufacturer of licorice in the EU. Drop production has increased by a quarter in ten years. With a production value of 90 million euros, the Netherlands accounts for around one-third of the EU’s production of licorice and licorice extract. Spain and Germany are Europe’s second and third manufacturer respectively.
Consumption of candy is stable
In 2019, more than 11.5 kilograms per person were eaten in the Netherlands. Almost 2 kilograms of this was licorice. More than half was chocolate. This makes chocolate the most loved candy in the Netherlands. The consumption of candy has remained unchanged in the past ten years. Children eat more sugar and sweets (34 g / day) than adults (29 g / day). The consumption of sugar and sweets is highest at the age of 4-18, after which consumption decreases.Normal/underweight adults eat more sugar and sweets (35 g / day) than overweight/obese adults (25 g / day). Children with normal/underweight also eat more sugar and sweets (36 g / day) than children with overweight/obesity (28 g / day). In strong urban areas, almost as much sugar and sweets are eaten as in non-urban areas.
Flowering sector
The confectionery industry consists of very diverse people and companies. From large multinationals to small and medium-sized businesses and traditional family businesses. In total, the confectionery industry has around 220 companies. The sector has worked for more than 12,000 employees. They too cannot be confused. Packers and managers, full-timers and part-timers, they all find their place in the confectionery industry. Something for everyone and plenty of opportunities for development for everyone.
Large candy companies in The Netherlands
Look-o-Look International
The candy specialist who has been developing successful candy concepts with customers for over 40 years. Our strength lies in our passion for candy, our flexible organization, and our rich experience and knowledge as part of the Perfetti Van Melle group. This is one of the reasons why we are able to develop surprising and distinctive top quality candy concepts. Then we can successfully put it on the market. Look-O-Look creates a surprising candy world. Look-O-Look offers the most surprising types of candy in transparent hanging bags so that you can clearly see what is in it. The bags stand out because of the recognizable logo with the Look-O-Look eyes.
OTC equipment
OTC Candy is a process equipment supplier that focuses on the Cannabis and OTC market. We help customers develop their own active candy and design and supply turn-key solutions for their production.
OTC Candy is specialists when it comes to accurately measure active ingredients such as THC and CBD in candy as well as masking odors and flavors. Their expertise has his source from extensive experience and knowledge in the international candy market (from ingredients to end products) and vitamin market. This enables employees to cater to our customers’ requirements and establish customized processes, making it possible to produce top-quality candy such as gums and jellies, chewable products, candy bars, toffee, caramel and fondants with the right dose of active ingredients.
Working with OTC Candy Equipment means a lifetime business partner since there are able to supply turn-key production lines internationally from low to high output capacities. Making it possible for their customers to start small while being able to grow or expand their business without switching their only process supplier for the production of their candies. To amplify this their solutions are easily upgradeable as they possess in-house experience, knowledge, and capabilities to design and build kitchens, depositors and finishing equipment for active candy.
OTC Candy believes that the industry of actives demands a more pharmaceutical way of processing. That’s why they guarantee a clean process without any chance on cross-contamination and a maximum deviation of 0,01% on dosing actives, color, flavor, and acid in a 40kg batch size. Their equipment, therefore, complies to all current and future regulations as OTC Candy is able to supply certified equipment that exceeds the current asked requirements for accuracy and clean processing. Making it possible for their customers to avoid risk and to set an industry standard through their automatic dosing, CIP (Clean in the process) and starchless systems.
Perfetti Melle Benelux
At Perfetti Van Melle Benelux they love chewing, tasting, enjoying and discovering new ways to make life more enjoyable. You can say that they are on a mission to constantly innovate the way in which products are innovated, produced and marketed. Their goal is that every candy lover can find and enjoy the brands anywhere and anytime. Every day they work hard on coming up with new and improving existing products and brands. Brands that are indispensable: from international favorites, Mentos, Mentos Gum, Fruittella, Chupa Chups, Look-O-Look, Smint and Frisk to the Dutch national hero, Klene. Once started small in Breskens in Zeeland, they are now part of the global confectionery group Perfetti Van Melle Group BV. Internationally active in more than 150 countries. With 17,000 enthusiastic employees and more than 31 production locations, where they do their best every day to give the world even more taste and freshness.