The Best Advice for Sleeping Problems

A study has showcased that at least 40% of American adults are experiencing some kind of sleeping problems each year.

And if you have ever been or is in a situation where you can’t fall asleep, we have compiled a list of tips for both short term and long term solutions to your sleeping problem.

The easiest thing you can do to help your sleeping problem is don’t drink coffee. We all start the day with a cup of coffee to ‘wake us up,’ but caffeine makes it harder for you to sleep, and limiting the drinking, will force you to get tired earlier in the day.

Studies have found that exercising at least 3 hours before bedtime can improve our sleep quality. This gives the body enough time to wind down before you go to bed.

Another study has shown that smokers commonly exhibit symptoms of insomnia because of nicotine. We suggest quitting because it will help with your sleeping problem.

Therapy is a common technique to go to if you experience insomnia. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia is a technique that involves creating positive thoughts about sleeping and creating an environment that promotes sleep. It has proven to be an effective weapon against insomnia. You can visit a therapist and learn these strategies, or you can learn them with online guidance. Books are also an effective way of implementing cognitive-behavioral therapy.

Turning off your TV, computer, and any other electronic device that has a screen on it for at least one hour before bedtime can help prepare your body for sleep. The screens emit an artificial light that stimulates daytime hormones and disrupts our bodies.

Another effective way to battle insomnia is with CBD oils. One of such products is CBD Gummies. They look like gummy bears but contain CBD oil, which may help you sleep.

Before you go to bed make sure to minimize the light, noise, and temperature exposure to get better quality sleep. Earplugs, window blinds, and eye masks have proven effective. Make sure to keep your room temperature between 54 and 75 degrees.

Avoiding drinking fluids, and eating, after 8 pm as this increases the chance of awakening due to urination. Avoid heavy meals after 8 pm because it causes sleeping problems. Drink a glass of milk instead of a slice of bread because milk contains the amino acid L-tryptophan which helps us go to sleep.

Avoid taking naps in the day. Taking short naps during the day rests our body, and it prepares it for another cycle which makes it harder for us to fall asleep at night.

If you have a pet and it regularly sleeps with you, then consider them moving to the floor tonight as pets may cause arousals from allergies, or sometimes they can cause discomfort.

Sleep hygiene is important. If you wake up every morning feeling refreshed you are ok, but if you feel sleepy during the day than you might have some kind of disorder due to poor sleep hygiene. More about sleeping disorder problems, you can find on MidNite.