“Sword Art Online” is an anime TV series based on a Japanese light novel and it first aired in 2012. Since then two seasons have been released, the second of which aired two years ago, so for some time now it has been speculated about the possibility of the third installment being delivered sometime soon. Needless to say, fans of the action anime series are hoping that Season 3 will be released shortly, but its showrunners might have different plans about the premiere. Firstly, let’s take a look at a short review of the series.
Read about Sword Art Online Season 3!
“Sword Art Online” Short Review
As we previously mentioned, this anime series is based on the light novel “Sword Art Online,” written by Reki Kawahara and published in 2009. The novel depicts various virtual reality worlds, and it is set in the future. It was a major success when it was released, and up to now, it has managed to remain on the top of the best-selling anime books. However, contrary to expectations, the series was not such big success. It was well received by the audience, but some critics described its writing as “sloppy.”
“Sword Art Online” Season 3 Release Date
Unfortunately, the showrunners of the series have not made any official announcement about the Season 3 premiere yet. Nevertheless, Yuki Kajiura, the series composer, is supposed to host a concert in Hollywood on January 14, 2017, so this might be the perfect time to reveal big news about the “Sword Art Online” third installment. What we know for the time being is that Kajiura found inspiration for his new song “Alicization” in the anime itself. Furthermore, according to FX News Call, the upcoming season is likely to contain more elements from the novel than the previous two did. Shinichiro Kashiwada, the series producer, also mentioned that there was a possibility of including some of the Alicization arc characters.