The advent of the internet has greatly contributed to the development of marketing. Today, many people advertise through websites and social networks, and one of the unavoidable ways is through email. Despite Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, email is still a powerful way to advertise.
What is email marketing?
Email is the oldest and most well-known way of communicating via the Internet. In its beginnings, email was used for mutual communication, and with the development of the Internet, it became more and more represented for private, business, and other purposes. The first spam email dates back to 1978. Spam is defined as unsolicited commercial or bulk email and is more than 97 percent of all emails sent over the Internet are spam. Direct marketing has always been an integral part of marketing campaigns but the high costs have determined that it can use only large companies. With the growth and development of the internet and the use of email for the purpose of trading directly with customers, it has been found that such costs are reduced and that efficiency is growing.
What are the benefits of email marketing?
As the main benefits we would point out the following:
– Targeted leading guides. You access the audience that selected your mail via email. They have already expressed interest in your brand, so they are more likely to bite them.
– It is cost-effective,
– It is instantaneous and interactive,
– Easy access to many customers with just one click,
– It makes it easy to track such items as incorrect email addresses (by bouncing), positive and negative responses,
– Web visits -pages (from the link embedded in the email) and increase sales
– It builds trust. They add credibility to your business during the campaign. Consumers like to establish a relationship with a brand before buying, and emails are the perfect tool to prove trust.
How often do you need to send marketing mail?
This is a question that confuses many sellers. If you send too often, chances are high that you will be marked as spam. Statistics may help that over 80% of people say they would receive a marketing post once a month, while 60% agree that it is okay once a week.
To ensure that your advertising does not end up as an unsolicited post or one that the recipient thinks is not worth reading, you must plan your marketing campaigns via email. Below you can read how you can achieve this.
Target subscribers
For your marketing campaign to be successful, you need to focus your attention on potential customers. The first step towards this is segmenting and targeting subscribers. Try to sort people’s profiles based on interest, buying behavior, and preferences, and send more personalized emails based on it. On eSputnik you will find more about it.
Email content
You must design every communication via email. There are several different types of email that help you communicate with your subscribers, and it’s up to you to determine the right way. Decide whether it needs to be a welcome or a promotional email, a blog, email rewards and loyalty points, a company announcement, or something else entirely. In any case, you have to provide customers with something they will remember you for and decide that your service is exactly what they need.
Be concise
Your emails must be short but clear. There is a rule that says any reading longer than two minutes is tedious and repels clients.
Text review
It is very important to adapt the text to the readers. It is considered to contain between 35 and 90 characters. Adapting the text of the review is a great way to complement the subject line with a short, eye-catching subject line. Add up your message or use your CTA in the review text to increase your openness rate. Even if you choose a publication designed for emails, preview the message to confirm the layout and size so that you can make the necessary changes to the text, graphics, and layout before sending.
Test the message before sending
Before sending a message, carefully go through it one more time. Check the content and any mechanisms you have set up for tracking and responding, including hyperlinks in the body of the message. Another team member should do this for you and give you feedback.
Implementing the campaign
By creating valuable content, establishing appropriate frequencies, and testing emails for display and delivery, a marketing expert should be able to ensure an excellent delivery rate. Consistency in the use of newsletters also helps in gaining trust and meeting the expectations of clients. The email should be delivered at a consistent time and the time it shows the best results. The reputation of the email can determine if the message is considered spam by mail and is determined by the general opinion of the Internet service provider.
Positive and negative sides of e-marketing
Like any other form of marketing, this one has advantages and disadvantages. E-mail Marketing is evolving incredibly fast because of its key advantage and that is an individual approach to each customer and the speed at which the message reaches its recipient. One of the benefits that are also crucial in many ways is the environmental awareness that is developed precisely through email marketing as paper use is reduced. Many facts go in favor of e-marketing – it’s fast and efficient, it’s automatic, content creation is easy, and research has shown that it’s profitable and that every dollar invested in e-marketing brings a return of over $ 43,000. For these reasons, this marketing method is considered one of the best.
If we talk about the negative sides, we will mention the possibility of not delivering the message because many ISPs use complex filters to prevent unsolicited mail. In addition, there may be an overload of e-mail, or the arrival of many unreads, which the user will often delete mechanically.