A lot of people have been criticizing the character of Roman Reigns. There is no doubt that he is a good performer and that he improved a lot in the ring. Everybody who wants to challenge that is just hating on the guy. The thing that the fans don’t like is the position that WWE has put him in, what his character has become and the fact that he does not know how to play that character well.
At least with Cena back in the day, he played his role well, even though the fans didn’t like him. With Roman, it is worse than the case was with John.

That is why WWE Universe has been calling for the company to turn him heel. Roman has a great look, an appearance of a heel. Put him in some expensive suits, give him the sunglasses and let him be cocky. Let him tell the fans what he already thinks of them since he has been the top guy in the company and they started booing him.
Well, he might not get the chance to do the talking as there is always a chance that he starts working with Heyman. The best possible way to end this Wrestlemania is to have Heyman turn on Lesnar and align with Roman.
Reigns was asked about working with Heyman and here is what he had to say:
“I think it would be really cool. Obviously, it comes down to a couple of different things creatively, but I think it would be really neat. I think it would be able to show a different aspect of myself. It really just depends on the route that we want to take my character; if there’s any type of evolution that needs to be made in the next couple of years.”