The Rock Does Not Regret Calling Vin Diesel Names


As you probably remember, in August this year Dwayne Johnson posted a rather insulting comment about Vin Diesel on Instagram. The most attractive man in the world, who is currently working on the upcoming Fast and Furious installment, now says he doesn’t regret calling out his co-star at all.

According to Los Angeles Times, Johnson claims he “was very clear” with everything he said. He also adds that he believes this little drama with Diesel contributed to the popularity of the forthcoming film. He said: “Would Universal Pictures have preferred that didn’t happen? Sure, we talked about it. The irony is after that, and as they do their tracking and all their analysis, the interest shot through the roof to a whole other level.”

What Johnson actually wrote in the previously mentioned post was that he had only words of praise for his female co-stars, but that he was not even nearly satisfied with his male co-stars. To be more precise, here’s what he said about them: “Some conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t.” And it was in the second part of this post that he called them names. As you can see, The Rock didn’t single Vin Diesel out, but this post was followed by several others which suggested more clearly who the former wrestler is primarily talking about. Finally, Diesel also commented on the drama on his Facebook, so that was enough to resolve any remaining doubts. In the video, he posted he said: “Proud of our collective, stay positive — I mean that — don’t beat anybody up.”

Finally, Johnson claims that even the audience will be able to feel the tension between the two of them. “When you watch this movie next April and it seems like I’m not acting in some of these scenes and my blood is legit boiling — you’re right,” The Rock concluded.

Premiere Date

So, don’t miss the movie premiere on April 14, 2017.