It only makes sense that we care for our loved ones like our parents when they grow old as they cared for us when we were adolescents. The problem arises when we get so busy with our lives that it becomes almost impossible to give our old family members the attention they deserve. In such cases, the wisest option is to give them to an old age home or facility for care.
However, it’s not necessary that all homes are suitable for all elderly people. In the same way, it doesn’t make sense that a perfectly healthy aged person goes into specialized institutions instead of normal assisted living homes, it also doesn’t make sense to admit your family members with cognitive disorders to normal old age homes instead of memory care homes. Memory care homes are specialized old age homes that are professionally trained and experienced in handling the elderly that suffer from dementia and other cognitive disorders.
At the chance that your family member has dementia, then the wisest option for them would be to admit in the proper care of memory care homes. Their staff undergoes training to handle patients with cognitive disorders and it’s designed in such a way that it aids those with dementia, not create more confusion. According to, by applying research-based methods that enhance the lives and stimulate the minds of dementia patients, it is possible to take a practical approach to their cognitive and physical wellness that only enriches their life.
However, with all that being said, there are still several signs that people miss out on that show your loved ones need memory care. While we are busy in our life, it’s easy to not notice our loved ones need special care. That’s why in this article we’ll explain exactly when you should put a family member in memory care and what signs you should look out for.
They are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
We’ll be honest with you – Alzheimer’s, or any other form of dementia, is more than enough reason to send the family members in your house under the care of memory care homes. While Alzheimer’s may be handleable at its early stages, if you don’t treat your loved one with Alzheimer’s the right way, their condition will only worsen over time. We heavily recommend you not let this happen as some damage of dementia is irreversible once done.
Instead, when your family members start forgetting the dates, or the names of their own family, take it as a warning sign and see if they are diagnosed with any form of dementia. At the chance they actually are, admit them in professional care as soon as possible. Doing so will ensure that your family members can be treated more effectively and better with hands that have years of professional experience and expertise. Memory care homes are specially designed for aged family members that are diagnosed with dementia and the earliest you transfer them into it, the better. An early transfer will allow them to grow familiar with the surroundings and the people, making them feel they are at home.
Significant physical changes have occurred
If you have begun observing signs that your loved one’s physical health is faltering, it’s time to move into action. There can be clear indications that your loved one’s dementia is causing this change and deteriorating not only their mental state but also their physical state. Dementia can cause your loved one to dramatically lose weight, get sudden wounds that they don’t remember how they got it, and wander aimlessly at night.
Memory care homes resolve this by keeping an eye on your family members at all times, equipping their facility with anti-falling measures, provide instant medical assistance if required by your family member and ensure a stable and safe diet that ensures they maintain a healthy weight. Memory care homes are designed solely for the convenience, health, and safety of those with dementia which is why once they are admitted, their health is the last thing you should be worrying about.
You are burned out and it’s affecting your health
Providing assistance and constant support for dementia patients, or any patient for that matter, every day can be exhausting. Even if we say that instead of spending money monthly on memory care homes, we can support our family members by ourselves, it is quite harmful to do so – both for us as well as our family members. If dementia increases it can cause our loved ones to become dangerous and it can be incredibly taxing to handle them in such a situation.
The truth of the matter is, dementia patients require being cared for and handled by people who are professionally trained to do so. Even if you love your aged ones to the point you are willing to spend all your efforts providing them support, you won’t have the medical training to do so. Memory care homes can save you unnecessary exhaustion which arises from handling dementia patients. They have professionally trained staff that doesn’t get exhausted while providing care to dementia patients because they are trained to do so.
Your loved ones have stopped caring for themselves
Have you observed a sudden rise of untidiness in your loved one’s surroundings? Have they stopped bathing, brushing, or grooming themselves? Have you seen your loved one gradually recede into a cave of their own and not talk with people? Chances are that they have dementia, which is getting worse, and they need professional medical care.
When your family members stop washing their clothes, combing their hair, don’t bathe, and don’t clean after themselves there is a big chance that they have forgotten to do so. People with Alzheimer’s forget their prescriptions and either take too much of their medicine which they already took but forgot about it or forget to take it entirely. This can only make the situation worse for their dementia and that’s why memory care homes are needed in times like these.
Not only do they keep a tab on the medicines your family members have to eat, but they also help them do their basic hygiene tasks like brushing, bathing, grooming, etc. This ensures that your loved ones too can live as normally as others and memory care homes try their best to keep it that way.
You must identify the signs when your loved one needs memory care and act accordingly. We hope this article helped you, and if it did, please consider following our website for regular updates as it will help us out immensely.