“Noragami Aragoto” is the TV adaptation of a Japanese manga series “Noragami” and it was first released three years ago. The anime’s second season’s finale, the thirteen episode titled “The God of Fortune’s Message” aired on December 25, 2015. It’s been more than one year, but we still don’t know for sure whether the third season will be delivered and, if so when it will see the light of day.
“Noragami” the manga series, premiered in Monthly Shōnen Magazine’s January 2011 issue. The first volume was then followed by many new editions, which is why we think that there will be new seasons of the anime, as well. “Noragami Aragoto” is produced by Bones and directed by Kotaro Tamura, and we all know they usually keep information about their projects under wraps for quite some time and then announce the news only a couple of weeks before the actual release date, so we should not lose hope.
In case you don’t remember, here’s a quick reminder of what happened in the last episode of Season 2. Yato, the minor God of calamity, made a decision to choose Yukine to be his Shinki. He also kept katana as his Regalia (weapon). As for Nora, a former shinki of Yato, we got to see her “sweeter side” but, there is a possibility that Yato’s decision to choose Yukine over her might turn her into a villain.
Furthermore, we had the opportunity to meet Yato’s “father” Fujisaki. Not only did we finally meet him, but we also learned that he was the mysterious man who kissed Hiyori in one of the previous episodes. When it comes to his relationship with Yato, all we know for now is that they do not get along that well and that Fujisaki likes to torment Yato, both mentally and physically. Bearing this in mind, we can easily conclude why Fujisaki kissed Hiyori – just to hurt Yato, as he knew about the special bond between these two. We should also note that Fujisaki was not just mean to Yato, but he enjoys hurting others in general. Unfortunately, he has the ability to do so without much effort.
We know about these specific details about Fujisaki’s character from the manga series, but we believe you all agree his presence in the anime would only make it even more interesting. Perhaps we’ll get to see this in the new season this year. Follow us for any new piece of info about your favorite anime.