Is Cryptocurrency Trading The Right Career For You

Crypto trading as the name suggests involves trading that is buying and selling of cryptocurrencies to make a profit. A trader earns a profit if the price at which he bought a certain crypto is lower than the price at which he sells it.

Cryptocurrencies run on a decentralized blockchain network. They are in great demand because they are safe and they provide an alternative to traditional currencies like dollar and pound. However there are hundreds of new cryptos that are being introduced every single day. Moreover, crypto trading involves a great deal of risk. Hence, it is natural for a person to be doubtful about his potential as a successful crypto trader.

Nonetheless, crypto trading can be a highly profitable career and if someone is interested they can go to

How To Know If You Have Got What It Takes To Be A Crypto Trader

Have The Ability To See The Bigger Picture

Cryptos are very volatile in nature. Their value is affected by multiple factors and if a person wants to trade successfully he should be able to see the bigger picture. For instance, the value of a bitcoin will increase if any country proclaims it to be a legal tender. Likewise the value of a bitcoin will decrease if any country bans it based on potential security concerns.

Hence, in order to make a profit a person has to keep his eyes and ears open. If a person has the ability to analyze multiple social, political and economic factors at the same time he can make a huge profit as a trader.

Have The Ability To Take Quick Decisions

Trading with any crypto will require a trader to make quick decisions. This is because the value of a cryptocurrency rises and falls very rapidly. Hence an investor might lose millions of dollars if he cannot take a prompt decision.

Have The Ability To Manage Risks

Any investor can be successful if he knows how to manage risks. There are different ways to manage risks like diversifying, analyzing the market, and building a solid network of peers. Diversifying means investing money in different kinds of assets. In the case of cryptos it means investing in different types of cryptos. Most people know about Bitcoin but there are hundreds of other currencies like Litecoin, Etherium etc. An investor should invest in multiple currencies. Hence even if the value of one currency falls an investor can make up for it by selling a profitable currency.

Another way to mitigate risk is to analyze the market well. And it is also very important to build a solid network of peers who can share their insights about the market trends. There are many online trader communities and a good network of investors who can help avoid many losses.

Have An Inclination Towards Basic Statistics And Math

Statistics and math lie at the core of any predictive analysis. Data from past instances help to give an idea of the likely future course of events. Mean, median values, regression analysis, interpreting bar graphs and line graphs are essential skills for an investor. Hence, if someone resents statistics and math they may not make good profits in crypto trading.

Have A Good Sense Of Observation

There are many fake exchanges that offer lucrative returns and it is vital to stay away from such fake exchanges. A good observer will be able to make out the difference between a fake and a real exchange. Fake exchanges have certain characteristics like they give offers that are too good to be true. They try to compel an investor to invest a high amount or they use celebrities to promote themselves. So if a person lacks a good sense of observation and easily overlooks minor details he may land up making losses by investing in a fake exchange..

Have A Passion To Know More

Investors need to be updated about all the important happenings of the world. Any event be it a national election, the price of oil or an impending war can affect the market. Hence, a person who likes to be updated about multiple issues can be a good trader.

Has The Appetite For Research

A good researcher makes a successful trader. There are several hundreds of cryptos in the market. The value of a currency will increase or decrease based on the utility of a particular currency. For instance, if a particular currency is accepted by multiple financial channels then its demand and market value is going to increase.

Hence, it is essential to read the white paper of any new asset before making an investment decision. Reading white papers might need some amount of technical knowledge. Hence, a person who likes to read, learn and research will make decisions that lead to a profit.

Has A Lot Of Patience

Crypto trading can be very profitable in the long run but it takes patience to realize the gains. In case of long term investments the asset is held for more than six months and it can extend upto years. Holding an asset for a long term has benefits like low volatility yet it needs patience to hold on for a long time before one realizes any profit.

Has The Ability To Not Get Driven Away

If a person can be calm and balanced in the face of extreme profit and loss, they can survive in the cryptocurrency market. People should never invest too much money if they cannot bear the loss. Likewise, a trader should not invest too little, or else he will end up making very small gains.


Trading in any market involves a lot of risks. It is quite tempting to join the bandwagon when someone makes a huge gain but traders always need to remember that a lot of effort, time, research and risk goes into making a gain. If someone is willing to invest a lot of time and learn every single day they can succeed as a crypto currency trader.