Simple Secrets To Increase Your Website Traffic


Irrespective of your business type, the main goal of creating a website is to reach more people.

You may have heard about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and its effectiveness in boosting your site traffic. SEO is undoubtedly a fantastic way to improve your site’s appearance on search engines; however, there are other ways to increase traffic to your site.

This article will explain how to leverage SEO and other simple secrets that generate more visits for any site.

Types of Website


Before you consider getting more traffic, you must first understand your targeted audience. Websites have different audiences, and understanding them will help you strategize how to reach them.

According to BANG!, a Phoenix Website Design Company, the type of website you want will determine the template you need to build for optimal user experience and influence the best strategy for increasing traffic.

Personal Website

A personal website is like a diary, and its primary reason for existence is to share the owner’s thoughts with the world.

Monetization is secondary, but if it becomes widespread, the owner may change the mode of operation, which may transition the site to another type of website to leverage the traffic.

Business Website


More than ever, businesses have realized that they need an online presence to improve their reputation and reach more customers.

A business website is designed specifically for a business and is branded like the business it represents. For example, the logo and color are similar to the company’s brand identity.

They usually contain information about the company, their board members and the latest press release.

eCommerce Website

This type of website is solely designed for the primary purpose of conducting business transactions.

Although it may contain other information that can be found on a business website, it also lists products or services for sale.

Some eCommerce websites, called marketplace, showcase products or services provided by third parties.

If you plan to sell something online, you will need this type of website.

Portfolio Website

A portfolio website is similar to a personal website except that, in this case, it is not to express your thought but to showcase what you are capable of doing.

Using a portfolio website, service providers can display samples of their past work to show prospective clients their quality of work.

It is mostly used by creative designers and freelancers whose chances of employment are mostly based on competence rather than a CV/resume.

Web Portal

Web portals are designed with limited access to the general public. The information on the site is only available to specific people with the required login authorization.

Companies, schools, and other organizations may build a web portal for their staff and certain customers.

Educational Website

It is used by institutions and organizations offering online courses. They are mainly targeted at people interested in the kind of knowledge provided.

A universities website may convince or dissuade you from attending it. Likewise, testimonials on the educational website of an organization offering the online course may induce you to enrol.

Such a website may also incorporate a web portal to provide a personalized experience for staff and students.

Blog/News Website


Blog and news websites are designed to inform and educate its visitor. They usually contain different categories.

A news website may have categories like politics, entertainment, and technology. It informs the visitors about the latest development in the categories and can also feature contents that educate them on related topics.

On the other hand, blog websites are usually focused on a specific subject, such as technology, business or entertainment. They are usually designed to educate.

Simple Secrets To Increase Any Website Traffic

Any traffic hack secrets below should be tweaked for optimal results to suit your website type.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


The indexation of websites’ data by search engines has made them the preferred choice for many people searching for answers to a question.

The most used search engine, Google, processes about 8.5 billion searches daily. The second search engine with the highest market share, Bing, processes about 900 million daily.

You should not only read about these statistics without taking action to take a bite of the pie for yourself.

Create contents around keywords that your targeted audience are likely to search. Optimize these contents with the right images that are compelling and browser friendly.

Social Media Optimization (SMO)


Your targeted audience may spend most of their time on social media. In 2021, there are 4.26 billion social media users, and according to a report published by Pew Research Center, 84 percent of American adults use social media.

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is using social media to improve your organization’s reach. You should include your site URL on these platforms to redirect traffic.

High Quality and Shareable Contents

Viral contents are popular because people sharing them find them exciting and consider others will feel the same way.

If you operate an eCommerce website, list products or services people are most willing to purchase and share with others.

Publish blog contents that are insightful and shareable.

User Interface and User Experience

There are a lot of websites competing for internet users’ attention. The faster the load speed of your site, the higher your chance of retaining visitors.

Many users expect a website to load in under two seconds. It should also be easy to navigate and allow users’ eyes to see the most relevant content in no more than 2.6 seconds.

Also, personalize content served visitors based on their browsing behaviors. One-third of people have been discovered to make a purchase even when they did not plan for it after they receive a personalized content.

Link Building and Guest Posting


Leverage the reputation of other sites to boost your site’s reach. Collaborate with other website owners by writing engaging content for their audience while they give your site a link back.

This strategy is also effective in improving your site domain authority and a better chance of appearing on the first pages of search engines.

Updated Contents

Populate your site with content and always ensure they are up to date. For instance, if you run a company website, include a blog page to publish content such as guides for your clients.

This showcases your expertise in the industry and can also be a way to sell yourself to potential clients.

People searching for information will surely visit your website; generating more traffic and leads for your business.