Hulk Hogan Returning To WWE Soon?

There are reports that Hulk Hogan is expected to return to WWE now that his lawsuit with Gawker is behind him. The company suspended the Hulkster back in the July of 2014 after the audio recordings of him making racist remarks from a sex tape was leaked to the public. A well known WWE reporter Dave Meltzer has mentioned on Twitter that fans should expect Hulk Hogan back in the WWE “sooner than later.”

Hulkster has denied that he has been in talks with WWE, but multiple sources have confirmed that he’s not going to admit to being in discussions with the company. WWE has since then been featuring Hogan on the WWE Network, which is another indication that he could be returning to the television pretty soon.

When his racist comments went public, the organization released one of their biggest stars even on the spot. The company has also removed him from the Network and all the mentions of Hogan. It was like he never was with the organization in the first place. When something like this happens, WWE always wants to avoid negative publicity that their relationship with someone would cause. It happened in the past, and it will probably again happen in the future, unfortunately.

But, as soon as WWE puts that person back in their history books, it means that they have reached some kind of agreement and that they have let bygones be bygones. That’s why the Hulkster’s appearance on the WWE Network is a big deal and the strong indication that he will appear again in WWE programming pretty soon. Will it be at Wrestlemania? Only time will tell.