Before we get into the topic of making it on this social media network, let’s talk about what it is. This modern time social networking app first came about in 2010 as a harmless fun place to post your pictures on, but today it is so much more. It works similar to other social media apps like Facebook or Twitter where you create a profile, have followers and a news feed page. The difference with Instagram is that the app is based on posting pictures and videos.
It is available on iOS and Android devices for free. An interesting fact about this platform is that in the first few years it was only possible to post pictures and comment on them, but then they slowly started updating the app and introducing new functions. Today, you can still post pictures which is the main thing that Instagram is about, but also post videos, Instastories that disappear after 24h, save posts you thought were interesting and message people.

Even though it started out harmlessly, today it’s all about who has more followers. It has become so important that you can even buy followers to make your profile more popular. Instagram can today be considered a career. If you gather enough following, you can start advertising products on your page and make a good income that way.
These are the 4 things to think about if you want to make it on Insta:
- If you want to become Insta famous, the first thing you need to figure out is what you want to be famous for. Think about what your interest is. Are you into makeup, traveling, fashion, or are you funny and enjoy making people laugh? These are just some of the options, and there is many more. Ideally, it will be something that you are passionate about and good at the same time. Whatever it may be make sure you can make it your own and unique because with Instagram being available to everyone there is some tough competition out there.
2. Next up, your followers. Put your account on public so that anyone can follow it because if it’s private people have nothing to go by and just your profile pic is not gonna make others follow you. Make sure you have a connection to them, that they know you appreciate them, it doesn’t matter if you have 200 or 20,000 followers. You need to inspire them, make them want to see what you’re up to because if they don’t have anything that makes them connect with you they are not gonna stick around.
3. You can start up a hashtag that will be associated with just you, and your audience will know you for. This way whenever they wanna search something that has to do with you they can search the hashtag. It can be your name, a joke, something that will stick. Having your hashtag can be a great way to create a sense of community with your followers. Besides your unique hashtag, you can also put up to 30 other ones on your posts which is a great way to reach different and broader audiences. Another tip is not to use super basic ones cause your post will get lost in the search, choose popular ones but also make sure they are not shared too much.
4. Pick a theme and tell a story. Try to stick to a colour palette and photo style. Develop your own, and make it stand out to people. When you figure that out, think about what you wanna tell. Everyone has a story to tell, and so do you. People on social media want to be amused, find inspiration or learn something new. So whatever you choose to tell, try to make it have at least one of these three appeals.
We hope these tips help, we wish you good luck on your Instagram journey!