Marketing is one of the most important departments of businesses. Anyone who really wants to make profits must prioritize marketing. Businesses often invest a lot of funds in marketing because it is something worth it. But the question is – how do you carry out marketing? The business world is so dynamic and it is only good that you be flexible enough to adapt to the changes in the market. How must you be in your marketing strategies to determine how successful you are going to be. For this reason, we want to focus on a very important aspect, digital marketing. How Can I Use SEO in My Digital Marketing Strategy? We will spend the best part of our time answering this question. So, we begin…
What is Digital Marketing?

Technological advancements have transformed businesses’ approach to marketing. Many businesses have shifted their attention to online tools for the marketing of their products. Digital marketing is an approach that utilizes digital tools and marketing methodologies to boost products and service delivery.
Why the shift from traditional approaches to marketing? As we outlined at the outset, the business world is very dynamic. Sometimes back, the means of communicating with the target population were very limited. The most common options included TVs and Radios. It was very difficult to guarantee that the intended individuals will receive the information at the right time.
Today the situation is very different. Recent statistics indicate the number of people with access to the internet has significantly increased. This trend is expected to continue with an increase in the availability of digital devices. As a business person, you need to meet clients and give them the information they want where they are – the internet.
But the question we are addressing is how you can use SEO in your digital marketing strategy. Today, the first-place individual’s clients turn to whenever they want information regarding a certain product is search engines such as Google. This means your online presence plays a critical role in your brand awareness. But the most important thing to keep in mind is that Google uses various strategies to rank sites in search results. The top ten sites appear on the first page of the first page. Some SEO best practices help to increase your ranking in search engines. So how can you integrate them into your marketing strategy?
Focus on quality content
You should never compromise the quality of your content. Quality content is a requirement and not a suggestion. You want to focus on attracting potential clients to your site and make them stay there the longest possible. Statistics indicate an average individual spends just 15 seconds on a page and at most one minute on a site and moves on. Using quality content, you can effectively engage users and eventually transform them into a client. If you want to make content as quality as it can be, you will need to take care about number of words you use. Article which is too short can not be treated as quality one. Online tools such as this one, can be great help in this situations. Take care that your article is unique, informative and to have at least 1000 words.
Optimize the content
You can never be guaranteed of securing a top rank in the search engines with numerous services available for heightening your placement, but you should aim at clinching a top 30 position. If your site appears on 10th or 15th spots, you should tweak the content and have it work perfectly for you. It is important to ensure there are titles and descriptions with keywords of each of the pages of your site. What is more, add text to all your images using alt text. While images on the sites are fantastic, search engines never screen photos. Incorporate your site’s name to the image files.
Keep in mind technology trends
A marketing strategy based on data determines the success of online businesses. Technology advances daily, availing new services. You must be aware of the trends and your business can benefit from them. If you cannot keep pace with technological advancements, you will find yourself having fewer customers on the internet and a very weak base. For your own good, know the basics Google uses to rank sites and utilize their analytical tools. In the end, you will have a very successful website.
Always test your sites
There are several online tools that can be used to gauge the performance of your site. Using these tools will benefit you a lot. They help track the keywords searched, the genesis of traffic, and how long individuals last on a page. Google Analytics is a fantastic tool you should learn how to use it in this regard.
Be aware of what the competitors are doing
You need competition. It is good for the growth of your business. Nevertheless, you have to be very active. Doing things blindly can be detrimental. Make sure you aware of the keywords that your competitors are using to attract traffic to their sites is such an important thing for the success of your business. Look for some essential sites you can use for your data-driven approach to marketing.
Always use headers
This is the easiest but the most neglected approach improving the ranking of sites in search engines. Basically, web crawlers examine the first and the second headers on sites. It still searches lesser headers and therefore failure to use headers will negatively damage your ranks. So then, do not forget to use headers.
Use external links
Linking your site to external sites is among the best AEO practices with the best results. Using at least 2 external links significantly boosts your rankings. This is something that increases the credibility of your site and Google is keen on that. Ensure you only link meaning essential articles. It would be absolutely ridiculous to rank to link competitors’ sites. Make sure you also link through keywords.
The Bottom Line
Technology has transformed the world into a global village. Information can easily pass across continents through the internet. It is important for a business to take advantage of these developments to meet and interact with clients. Digital marketing is the best way of doing order to be very effective, you need to use SEO for your digital marketing strategy. We have discussed several ways you can adopt this idea. If you still find it difficult to apply these tips, a digital agency such as will be helpful. Let us hear what you think by commenting below.