Hit The Floor which was formerly named “Bounce” is an American television series created by James LaRosa. It has been produced by The Film Syndicate and In Cahoots Media for the VH1 channel since 2013. It debuted on May 27, 2013, on VH1.
The storyline of the drama series revolves around the lives of the Los Angeles Devil Girls cheerleading for the leading basketball team. Taylour Paige plays a character named Ahsha, who has a big dream to get into the NBA Cheerleading Team of the LA Devil Girls. She works very hard in order to fulfill her lifelong ambition and somehow manages to be accepted into the team. However, she doesn’t see the true colors of the world of dance and gets astonished by the seduction and delusion that prevail in this environment.
The pilot episode of Hit The Floor was ordered in April 2012. James LaRosa got the idea for this series, and he is also one of the three producers. The other two are Maggie Malina and Bryan Johnson. It is delivered by Starz Distribution. When it comes to the cast, the central role is portrayed by Taylour Paige, and apart from her, we can see Kimberly Elise, Katherine Bailess, Don Stark, Valery Ortiz, Logan Browning. Namely, Don Stark and Robert Christopher Riley were at first the supporting actors but got promoted into the main roles before the first season even began.
A second season was ordered in the middle of July 2013 due to the good ratings. In January 2014 the shooting started, and in the following year, the series was extended by a ten-part third season. Since then everyone’s been wondering when and whether there will be the fourth season at all. It should be announced anytime soon. We hope there will be some positive news on the show renewal for another sequel and that we’ll have an opportunity to watch this amazing series in a new thrilling season.