A comedy-adventure animated TV series created and produced by Alex Hirsch was first released on June 15, 2012. ‘Gravity Falls’ premiered on the Disney Channel and immediately won hearts of the viewers. Its story follows adventures two twins are having during their summer holiday in Gravity Falls.
When it comes to the impressions of the audience, the TV series mostly got approvals. The first season scored 8.9 out of 10 on Metacritic, based on 101 reviews from viewers, whereas the second one scored 9.1 out of 10, based on 25 reviews from public. As far as IMDB is concerned, the series has a total score of 8.9 out of 10, which is an amazing result based on more than 12.500 votes. Namely, the pilot episode of the series named ‘Tourist Trapped’ attracted 3.4 million viewers, while the final one was watched by 3.18 million people. When it comes to the premiere of the second season, it drew 2.37 million and it ended on September 21, 2015. Not only did the series impress the audience, but it left a great impression on the critics, as well. It was nominated for many rewards and won in four categories.
Plot and Summary of Gravity Falls
The plot is set in the small imaginary town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. Dipper Pines and his twin sister Mabel are sent there to spend their summer vacation with their great-uncle Stan. He has The Mystery Shack, which is allegedly a trap for the tourists. The protagonists are bored at first, but they soon realize there are many supernatural creatures in the town, along with some other paranormal phenomena. Dipper happens to come across a journal by an unknown author, marked by number 3. As he reads it, he finds out a bit more about the unusual circumstances in Gravity Falls and decides to locate the author. However, he must take care of him and his sister, since it is a perilous town and they must keep an eye on everything around them.
Gravity Falls Season 3 Release Date
As far as the release date for the third installment of the TV series, numerous rumors go around about its production. Some say it will be delivered, some say it is canceled. Still, an official announcement from people from Disney XD hasn’t been made yet, so we’re still waiting.