You might be aware of the fact that using so many hair care products and doing too much styling can cause major damage to your hair. But the fact is that beyond all these, there are few more mistakes that people keep on making all day long to damage their hair. It is important to be careful about few common habits that are taking your hair away from you. Go through the details below to switch to a hair care routine now:
Brushing wet hair:

Right when you come out of the shower after washing your hair, you try to detangle them fast. This is definitely a wrong trick to clean your hair. Note that wet hair is more susceptible to breakage and loss so let them get dry first then you can use your comb to clean them. Also, it is good to use a conditioner after washing your hair and good quality serum to protect them from breakage when they are wet. It will help you to get soft and shinning hair with ease agreed
You tie them hard:
So, you love ponytails? Indeed, they look good but using tight elastics to tie your ponytails is definitely a bad idea. It adds repetitive tension to your hair roots and hair start weakening with time. You can switch up to a different style or use some snag-free hair ties to help your hair stay healthy and pressure-free.
You sleep with wet hair:
Some of you may love to have relaxing sleep after washing your hair by the end of the day but this is a big mistake. It may cause dandruff in your hair and the wet head can also suffer fungal infections. If it is urgent to wash them in the evening then prefer to do it few hours before bedtime and let your hair dry before you go to sleep.
Imbalance of moisture and protein:
Many people keep on using so many protein masks for their hair and forget to add the moisture content. The fact is that moisture and protein, both are equally important for human hair and scalp so it is important to ensure proper nourishment along with natural skin repairing treatments. Furthermore, using shampoos and products such as SIMFORT Scalp Care Products can help you bring balance to your hair.
Enjoy swimming without caring about hair:
We all know that poolside adventure is one of the most interesting things to do in the summer season. But the chlorine content in pool water may cause serious damage to your hair. Thus, whenever you go for swimming, prefer to rinse your hair well as soon as you come out of the pool. It is even good to coat your hair strands with coconut oil or other trusted hair oil product so that they can stay protected from chemicals.
Stop styling them so often:
The last but not the least advice is to stop styling your hair every day. These hair styling products cause great harm and take away the natural beauty of human hair. So prefer to keep them protected and healthy.