What you don’t know about Magic Johnson’s son EJ

12Lady Gaga inspired him

In 2016, EJ participated in the “It Got Better” campaign, a web series created by Lisa Kudrow, Dan Bucatinsky, and Dan Savage designed to publicize “personal and inspirational messages by a diverse range of successful LGBT celebrities sharing their emotional experiences of overcoming obstacles.”

In EJ’s episode, he reveals that he drew a lot of confidence from Lady’s Gaga and her outspoken support of the LGBT community. “She was always with dudes wearing heels and amazing outfits, and I was like ‘Yes,’ to her, like, she was my everything.”

Clearly, the envelope-pushing popstar’s influence went beyond EJ’s playlist. “I love playing with gender roles,” he says. “And I love playing with different clothes, and I think that’s the beautiful thing about fashion and art and all of that. You should just go with it and see where it takes you, and play with different things that most people wouldn’t, because that’s really what puts you on the map, that’s really what stirs the pot and like, gets people excited, because if you’re doing what everyone else is doing, then, like, why would anyone care?”