“Diabolik Lovers” is a Japanese visual novel franchise published by Idea Factory in 2012. During Rejet Fes 2013 Viva La Revolution next year, it was announced that the franchise would receive an anime adaptation, and later that year it was confirmed that the anime would be directed by Atsushi Matsumoto and produced by the Zexcs studio. The first episode of the anime series aired on AT-X only a couple of months after the announcement, in September 2013.
Diabolik Lovers Season 2, titled “Diabolik Lovers More, Blood,” was released two years later, in September 2015, and, unlike the first one, it was directed by Risako Yoshida. Even though it saw the light of day two years ago, it was not until this month (March 2017) that it received the English dub.
The story of Diabolik Lovers revolves around a young girl Komori Yui whose life changes completely after her father has gone overseas, and she has no choice but to move and live with her distant relatives, the Sakamaki family. It doesn’t take her too long to realize that there is something unusual with them, but she couldn’t immediately figure out what’s the matter. After a while, Komori reveals the great mystery – her relatives are vampires.
The protagonist (Komori Yui) is voiced by Rie Suegara in the original Japanese version, and by Maggie Flecknoe in the English version. Other characters include Shū Sakamaki, the oldest in the Sakamaki household, Reiji Sakamaki, the second son of the Sakamaki brothers, Ayato Sakamaki, Kanato Sakamaki, together with the members of Mukami household (Ruki, Kou, Yuma, Azusa), etc.
Diabolik Lovers Season 3 Release Date
Bearing in mind that the series has been well-received so far, we have every reason to hope the creators will deliver a new batch of episodes. In addition to this, the previous season ended with a major cliffhanger, so we doubt they will just leave it like that. It has been speculated that Diabolik Lovers Season 3 might be released in September this year, but the official release date of the anime renewal has not been announced yet. We’ll keep you updated.