Major Determinants Of Successful Music Promotion On Spotify

Being a music director, producer or even a music artist isn’t easy. After entering this domain, there are a lot of essential factors which the artist has to consider. And amongst all those factors, promoting your music on Spotify is one such, where you will have to apply a lot of techniques as well as skills.

But how can you make the process of music promotion easy? No doubt if you go by the old ways, when there wasn’t much music, then you will not be able to succeed. So there must be some other ways to promote and make your music played throughout the world.

And while you’d do so, for a minute we can accept that you will successfully promote your music.

However, you will also notice some major determinants of the same, and those determinants will decide your fate. Some of the music platforms such as Spotify, provide you with a variety of options, which can help you in collecting many plays on your songs and setting up your career professionally.

As an artist, you can post your tracks over Spotify, and you prepare your playlists.

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Sounds dope, right? In fact, it is!

For a successful career and for promoting your music all around the industry, let’s have a look at the determinants which can help you in making your work big, which is published on platforms like Spotify, SoundCloud and most of the others.

The major game-changers

Well, it’s true that you may even call those factors, the game-changers.

So let’s start off by discussing some of the major game-changers according to the senior marketing team of StreamDigic, and by the way, you can buy Spotify plays and followers if you visit their website by tapping this link. If following this research would take you to get well-known and your music to score many plays on Spotify during a short time.

  • The first determinant will be the kind of music you are producing at the moment and the kind of music you have produced in the past. Now that’s not very difficult to guess right?

If you are producing some contemporary high-quality music, then users are definitely going to be attracted towards your Spotify profile and your songs would easily get many plays there.

The genre which you choose, is also going to create the difference. If you choose a dull genre, then the chances of people going to like it and play your songs, are pretty dull too!

On the other hand, if you go with people’s choice, then you will not have to wander much, for plays, fans and support.

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  • The second important factor which will create the difference, is your online presence and image. If you have a good online visibility and if people know you through your social media handles, then it’s well and good for you and your works. It’s easier to drive people to some name and music, which they are familiar with.

Social media platforms are used by millions of people, and therefore if you want to promote your tunes, then you will have to create an online identity.

You would have seen big celebs and stars uploading stories, and photos over social media, right? Well, they are doing the same thing, because they know the importance of the same to get their songs played on Spotify, SoundCloud or whatever.

And well, now with all the new features that are available out there, it can be quite easy for you create a business profile over platforms like Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook, etc.

It will make the job a lot easier for you, and you can get in touch with your fans, on an individual level, through these virtual world gems!

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  • The third important thing is to fuse your branding and impression with a strong marketing campaign. Remember, one dollar for the inventor, ten dollars for the engineer, a hundred dollars for the seller. You have to find a perfect way to score more plays and gain more followers to climb up the ratings on Spotify to get to the charts to get played and sell your songs and live concerts. One of the most effective and low-cost strategies is to complement your overall promotion with paid boosts. You need to enhance the image of your account and songs to make it look demanded and popular. In other words, you’ll need to buy Spotify plays, likes and followers to get more organic traffic on your songs, albums and playlists.
  • The fourth major determinant for a successful music direction will be your connections. If you can get in touch with some of the top quality artists, then it will be quite easy for you to score more plays with your music.

It’s pretty clear because those artists can get you acquainted with new fans. And as soon as your fan base starts increasing, you will also notice a growth in the number of Spotify plays which you are getting.

If as a beginner, you can get in touch with some of your seniors or even veteran artists, then you can benefit a lot from the same. Even fans love to see their favorite artists connecting with other big artists, and that bond is celebrated by the people. And that would also get you some media attention and would bring some extra Spotify plays for your songs!


These four were the major determinants of a successful music promotion campaign on Spotify or any other platform for hosting audio content. You can have a lot of skills, and you may have the talent of singing or directing music, but in today’s world, you need to have these three determinants under your control, or else the promotion campaign may face difficulties.