Content of Stephen Paddock’s Hotel Room Notebook Revealed!


Police have finally revealed to the public what was written in a notebook found in killer’s hotel room!

Stephen Paddock opened fire from his automatic rifle on a crowd of music fans in Las Vegas. He was located in a room on the 32nd floor. He killed 58 and wounded somewhere around 500 people!

Having knocked down the door, police found Paddock dead after the whole ordeal. Upon investigating they discovered hundreds of bullet shells, photos and a notebook on a nightstand.

The notebook has become a real internet craze since no one told to the public what was written in it. Police kept it a secret claiming that the investigation hasn’t ended yet. Everyone wanted to get an insight into the moments before Paddock decided to spray the crowd of 22,000.


According to officer David Newton, Paddock calculated the distance and elevation of his bullets. ‘I could see on it he had written the distance, the elevation he was on, the drop of what his bullet was going to be for the crowd. So he had had that written down and figured out so he would know where to shoot to hit his targets from there.’

The content of the notebook provided Paddock with the most efficient way to kill dozens of people.

Officer Newton also described moments when police breached the attacker’s hotel room. According to Newton, it was like a scene right ‘out of a movie.’

‘Very eerie. Yeah, the dust from the explosive breach and then you have the flashing lights.’


Investigators have reportedly still been unable to piece together what went down on the night of the deadliest shooting in the U.S. history.

Minutes before 10.05pm local time, Steven Paddock used a hammer to break two windows in his suite. Final performer was on stage at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival and as soon as he started singing Paddock showered the crowd with bullets.

Festival-goers tried to take shelter by lying down, but Paddock mercilessly killed off random folks on the ground.


At 10.15pm the shooting stopped. A few minutes later a security guard came knocking on Paddock’s door. He was wounded when Paddock fired around 200 bullets through the door.

Armed police arrived after the guard and began searching every room. At 10.55pm they were standing in front of killer’s suite. Half an hour later they breached in.

Paddock was found dead on the floor. Officers saw the note on a table near his body.

Officer Dave Newton – Source:

We still have no official statement regarding Paddock’s motive. It is still unknown whether someone helped him execute this monstrous ordeal.

Sheriff Joseph Lombardo stated earlier this week that he assumed Paddock had some help from someone else at some point. ‘Do you think this was all accomplished on his own. You’ve got to make the assumption he had to have some help at some point.’