Barakamon Season 2 Release Date


Barakamon is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Satsuki Yoshino. The story of this manga follows Seishu Handa, a calligrapher who moves to the remote Goto Islands off the western coast of Kyushu, and his various interactions with people of the island. Barakamon is actually a manga, but just like many from this category, it eventually became an animated TV series, or just simply put – anime.

A turn to the anime was announced on July 6th of 2014, and the series debuted on September 27th of the same year. Funimation has licensed this show for streaming and home video release. In February of 2014, Yen Press announced they have licensed Barakamon for English release in North America.

This is another manga that has decided to turn also into the anime series. There are a lot of well-known and pretty popular animes that started off as mangas, but the writers decided to test the waters and illustrate a TV show. One of those is Barakamon. This manga is pretty long, and it lasts way more than the TV show itself. That’s why many people are wondering why Barakamon has only one season with the original lasting way more. There is a lot of material for the writers of this show to continue going on.

Despite that, there still hasn’t been an announcement for the season two release date. With the manga going strong way past the end of the first season, the general belief is that this anime will continue and will be renewed for season two. But, there still hasn’t been any official announcement about that, so we will have to wait for additional info.