An anime series Akame Ga Kill was first released on March 20, 2010. This Japanese manga is a creation of Takahiro, and it was illustrated by Tetsuya Tashiro. Its adaptation was released on July 6, 2014, on Tokyo MX. It contained 25 episodes which lasted for 24 minutes each. The first season has left the fans craving for more as they are now eagerly waiting for its Season 2. However, despite their great desire, the producers have still not given any official announcement regarding its comeback.
While waiting for the sequel, a large number of rumors have been circulating the Internet on what may happen in the future of the series. Many predict a new battle that could occur between Akame and Kurome. They have been trained to become professional assassins, and the next installment will show how that reflected on both of them.
Another speculation is that Akame is going to attempt to get rid of all of her enemies in order for her to continue with her plan. From an inside source comes the news that the next chapter of the series will be having 12 episodes in total and that the producers decided to bring a remake of series before going on with the story from Season 1.
Also, it seems that fans would prefer to see the remake of the Akame Ga Kill! into an anime series. All of those who are familiar with both manga and the series know how in the end the two get into two different paths. The ending of Season 1 was really original and memorable one, so, if there is to be another season, the producers will need to come up with something very different, but it also has to receive approval by Takahiro.
Akame Ga Kill Season 2 Release Date
It is highly likely that the series’ Season 2 will be announced in autumn 2017 and that it will be released in the first quarter of 2018.