An action fantasy anime series The Testament of Sister New Devil, also known as Shinmai Maou no Testament is based on the light novel series by Tetsuto Uesu of the same name. The first season of the series contained 12 episodes which were aired from January 7, 2015, to March 25 of the same year. Right after the first season, a second season named The Testament of Sister New Devil BURST was aired from October 9, 2015, to December 11, 2015, and it brought in 10 episodes. It could be watched on Tokyo MX and afterward on other Japanese channels, while it was also broadcasted in some territories of North America. However, what its numerous fans are now looking forward to is the third season of Shinmai Maou no Testament.
Ever since it was premiered, it won the hearts of the audience, which was the main reason for a second season without any delay. Therefore, the sequel was expected right after the second one came to an end, but it didn’t happen. As far as the light novel series is concerned, it seems that its tenth volume was released on February 1, 2017. Now we are waiting for the anime.
When it comes to the plot of the series, the storyline revolves around Toujo Basara, a first-year high school student. He is left with his two step-sisters who aren’t normal human beings, but actually newbie Demon Lord and a succubus. He is supposed to protect himself and his sisters from other demons.
Unfortunately, there still hasn’t been any official announcement regarding the release date of the third season. Since a new edition of the light novel series was offered 3 months ago, it might bring a great story for the third season which is assumed to be released somewhere near October 2017. We’ll let you know as soon as we find out, so stay tuned.