Directed by Kenji Nagasaki and developed by Lay-duce studio, Classroom Crisis is a sci-fi comedy anime series which premiered in July 2015 on TBS. Soon afterward, the series was also released on other Japanese channels as well, including CBC, MBS, BS-TBS and others. Fumiaki Maruto was the scriptwriter, while Yuki Hayashi composed the music. After the first season release in Japan, the anime was licensed by Aniplex USA. You can find it on Crunchyroll, Daisuki, Hulu and several other online streaming websites. While in most cases light novels serve as inspiration for anime adaptations, Classroom Crisis was actually the first one to be developed, and the light novel series and manga of the same title are based on the anime.
Brief Summary
Classroom Crisis is set in distant future when interplanetary space travel is possible. Mankind controls the solar system and all the planets in it. A space aeronautics mega-corporation Kirishina Corp. makes this possible and opens an academy on Mars where extremely talented students are trying to develop rocket engines. These students attend a specialized class A-TEC (Advanced Technological Development Department, Educational Development Class).
The story revolves around this particular group of students and their attempt to develop a new engine, called the X-2, which is not an easy task. They face various difficulties along the way, mostly because of their lack of experience in the field. The corporation even considers giving up on the project, but the students are determined to preserve it and overcome the obstacles standing in their way.
Classroom Crisis Season 2 Release Date
As already mentioned, Classroom Crisis Season 1 came out in July 2015 and its last episode aired in September 2015 (the first season comprised only 13 episodes). Even though it’s been more than a year, we are still waiting for Lay-duce to make an announcement about the renewal. We doubt Season 2 will be canceled, but, for now, everything is possible. Follow us, and we’ll keep you updated.