Brickleberry is an animated TV series that has been airing on Comedy Central ever since September 25th of 2012. The series was introduced to the fans by Roger Black who is the main guy behind this animated TV show.
We could see a lot of good reviews and results on many websites that are making pools on how good the show actually is. For example, on IMDB this one has an average grade of 7.2 out of 10 with over 3,000 fans voting in that pool and ranking the series. That is a pretty decent number for an animated series to have, and we know that IMDB can sometimes be quite harsh when rating this type of content.
The pilot episode of this series attracted just a bit over 1.6 million people. Unlike many TV shows who’s seasons are up in the air, the ratings for this one hasn’t dropped off dramatically over the course of time, but it did drop to 0.92 million viewers on their last episode. Even though they did lose a decent chunk of the fan base and it’s for sure something that the producers of the show don’t want to see, there are some series that are seeing even bigger ratings drop.
But that didn’t save this show from being canceled after three seasons. It seems that third sequel of this one was its last as there are no indications of it being renewed for season four. As a matter of fact, we are going to take it one step further and say that there is almost no chance for the Brickleberry ever to be renewed.