Aldnoah.Zero is Japanese anime series that debuted in the summer of 2014. This TV Show is directed by Ei Aoki as he paired up with Gen Urobuchi, a person with whom he has been working while creating Fate/Zero. Now, the story that is scripted by Katsuhiko Takayama and originally written by Urobuchi has two seasons under its belt and is looking to continue going in the future.
Each season has had 12 episodes and the second one was aired in January of 2015 shortly after first finished. The first season ended in September of 2014, so that is a pretty quick turn around for the second season of Aldnoah.Zero. This tells us that the success of the first part was pretty big. There is no other reason why the creators would rush sequel so quickly.
The broadcasting rights for this anime series is held by Tokyo MX, Nitroplus, AT-X and several other channels in Japan. As far as the airing in the United States goes, this show was taken in by Aniplex, the network that licensed the series streaming back in 2014. When it comes to Australia, the distribution cannot run without Hanabee.
This is maybe a bit hard to believe, but at times, series take a lot of time to get a continuation. We all know that those popular shows that go on for seven, eight or even more seasons, but there are a lot more series and shows that are struggling to last past its second season. This is especially true for anime. For some reason, years might pass for some projects to get done or for the fans to get a single update.
Aldnoah.Zero Season 3 Release Date
Right now, unfortunately, there is no official release date for Aldnoah.Zero’s Season 3, nor any other important info about the possible sequel.