Harmful Impacts of Financial Stress on your Mental and Physical Health

One of the biggest stresses one can have is financial stress. You will have suffered it at some point in your life. People around the world are most likely aware of how it affects the well-being of a person. Several reasons can contribute to your financial problems, where for expatriates, it is one of the chief critical concerns to find the best way to send money online back home.

You will learn all the essential things about financial stress, how it is caused, and, most importantly, how to deal with it. Continue reading or visit a website to learn more about remittance!

Getting rid of financial problem is one of the biggest reasons that necessitate going abroad. Almost all the expatriates worldwide have left homes to earn remittances and then send those back through international money transfers.

While choosing the best international money transfer service, these expatriates draw comparisons between many companies.

Let’s now talk about the dependence of your physical health on your mental health.

Physical health depends on mental health


Following are a few issues you are likely to develop if you are not enjoying sound mental health.

Chronic illnesses occur

You can suffer a stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer with weak mental health.

Immunity weakens

As a result of having weak mental health, you are likely to have a weak immune system.

Life span shortens

The life span of people with weak mental health is shorter than those with normal mental health.

Gastrointestinal issues appear

You are likely to develop gastrointestinal issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) if your mental health is not sound.

White-coat syndrome

People with depression and anxiety develop this syndrome when visiting a clinic. In this syndrome, the blood pressure shoots up suddenly.

Bodyweight increases

People with inadequate mental health put up weight even quicker than obese people.

Heart diseases are linked with low mental health

Most medical studies show that heart problems stem from mental problem, depression and anxiety.

Asthma is likely to develop


Studies have shown that anxiety and problems are the main reasons behind Asthma.

Bruxism is common

In this condition, the one with anxiety and problems keeps grinding his teeth unconsciously.

All of the above are the impacts of weak mental health upon your physical well-being.

Let’s now discuss factors that cause your mental health to weaken and affect your physical health in the abovementioned ways.

Factors resulting in poor mental health

The following factors can contribute significantly towards poor mental health.

  • Childhood abuse or neglect
  • Loneliness
  • Losing someone you love
  • Disadvantages you suffer socially
  • Unemployment
  • Poor housing
  • Addictions to intoxicants of different types
  • Bullying or domestic violence
  • Massive traumas such as witnessing massacres etc.
  • Head injuries or other medical conditions.

Let’s now see some of the causes affecting your mental health with slight details.

Absence of self-esteem


The lack of self-esteem can lead to poor mental health. In it, you are likely to think low of yourself.

Absence of love

Being loved is a fantastic feeling and can lead to sound mental health. But, the absence of it can adversely impact your mental health.

Lack of confidence

If you lack confidence, you will end up having a bad mental condition.

Family breakups

Parting ways with your family and loved ones can also affect your mental health badly.

Let’s see how financial problems impacts mental health.

What is financial stress?


Financial stress is the tension concerning your money. It can occur to anyone, but its incidence is more in people with limited means.

This stress is related explicitly to all the matters involving money, be it your meagre income, loss of a job or not saving enough, etc. If you are an expatriate living in a foreign land, finding a reliable online money transfer service could be a possible reason for your financial stress.

Impacts of financial stress on mental health

Financial stress causes depression

One of the most severe impacts of financial stress on your mental health is inviting depression. And if depression continues for a reasonable period, it can breed innumerable other ailments. Study after study has shown that depression is the mother of all diseases.

Financial stress raises your anxiety

Your anxiety levels will increase manifold if you remain under financial problem. With increased anxiety, you can suffer the loss of appetite and still put on weight.

Financial stress demotivates substantially

One of the significant reasons to feel demotivated is to suffer from financial stress. You do not feel like doing anything if you do not have sufficient finances.

Why is financial stress caused?


Obviously, if you have lost your job, you will suffer from financial stress. Besides, your limited means despite having a job can also cause it. If you cannot save enough, you will suffer from it. If you are unable to afford quality education for your children, you are likely to suffer. Furthermore, if you cannot manage to change your living conditions, you are highly likely to suffer from financial stress.

Looking at all the reasons stated above, you will realise that insufficient finances lay at the heart of developing financial stress.

Strategies to ward off financial stress

Take the following steps to avoid developing financial stress.

Manage stress from a general perspective

You can have several problems. It is better to keep managing your anxieties every now and then. Do not wait for the financial stress only to reach a point that regularly pushes you towards stress management.

Create monthly budget plans

Expensing out your money randomly can lead to financial troubles. Therefore, create financial plans and stick to those religiously.

Take stock of your finances

Keep an eye on a single penny that you spend. Keep a track record of it, and it will help you manage your finances better. You can do it manually using a register or digital apps.

Discuss your financial stress with the one you trust


Venting out your heart can help you ease your problem, whether financial or otherwise. And in doing so, you are likely to get sound advice for better dealing with your financial stress.

The expatriates are most likely to suffer from economic anxiety given that they have to support two fronts financially; themselves and their families.