What Is Employment Discrimination?


Workplace discrimination can either be an isolated event or continuing case. Either way, it should never go unreported. Such misconduct is sometimes manifested in overt acts such as racial insults or the denial of growth opportunities. It could be as subtle as a derogatory text message privately sent in other cases. In all cases, the employee experiencing it is treated differently than the rest.

Any form of discrimination in the workplace is punishable under federal law. The U.S. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) prohibits it, whether it is against a job applicant or an employee.

According to chwilliamslaw.com, it is best to seek legal assistance from expert lawyers dealing with this subject, if you are being discriminated against by your coworkers.

If you’re not sure if you are being treated this way or not, read on to find out.

Forms of employment discrimination

It’s important to know that such issues can take many forms. If you are unaware of it, you may fall victim to this vicious scheme. Therefore, it is crucial to know the different faces of it before the situation worsens. Here are some common examples.

Sexual discrimination


It could be in the form of denying equal job opportunities for an individual because of their gender. It also includes gender stereotypes, double standards, and discrimination because one failed to comply with gender norms. For instance, an employer denies the promotion of an LGBTQ+ person only because the management doesn’t agree with the latter’s sexual orientation. Another example is refusing to hire a woman because they believe she will not fit in with a male-dominated environment.

Race and color discrimination


One of the most common forms of workplace discrimination. Sadly, it happens in various industries. It includes denying equal job opportunities to a specific race or attributing prejudicial qualities to a particular race. If an employer asks about your race and subsequently decides not to hire you, you may file a complaint about being discriminatory. You need to show how blatant the interviewer is in using race as a reason to turn down your application.

On the other hand, color discrimination happens when one is denied of equal job opportunities due to their skin color. A classic example of this is a black person bullied at work because people didn’t like their skin color.

Religious discrimination


It means denying equal job opportunities to individuals based on their religious affiliations. An example is when an employer pays one particular person less because they don’t have the same religious beliefs. Indirect religious discrimination also happens when a company policy imposes dress codes without respect for other members’ religious beliefs.

Age discrimination


According to research, more than 21% of polled workers over 40 had experienced it, and 36% say their age has impeded them from finding work since they turned 40. That said, this is one of the most common forms of discrimination today. As the ‘baby boomer’ generation matures and experiences financial insecurity in retirement, an increasing number of such cases are filed with the EEOC.

Age discrimination may happen in various circumstances, one of which is when employers refuse to recruit older adults for a notion that they might not be capable of working productively. So, they must apply for more positions and are often unemployed for a more extended period than younger workers. On the other hand, they are also subjects to the pressure of retirement from their employer and are sometimes unlawfully terminated when they reach over the age of 50 before they are ready to retire.

Disability discrimination


This happens when someone treats their colleagues differently, because of their disability, perceived impairment, or relationship with a disabled person. An example is denying differently abled and physically challenged employees access to facilities that make them more mobile and convenient. Another example would be creating physical barriers to hinder the movement of a person with physical disabilities.

Pregnancy discrimination


When an expecting or new mother has been refused to be given the same treatment, benefits, and privileges granted to other employees, such treatment falls under this category. Instances occur that some may not hire a woman if she is planning to get pregnant. On the other hand, when companies learn that a woman in their company is pregnant, they make excuses to penalize or dismiss them. They may also completely eradicate roles while a pregnant woman is on leave or refuse to grant them leave in the first place.

In addition, employers may be unaware of their need to provide leave to pregnant women. In a worst-case scenario, they may retaliate against women who exercise their entitlement to leave. Remember that employers should put no woman on a pedestal to choose between their job and their children, for it is every woman’s right to receive fair treatment and be free from such treatment.


It involves taking punitive actions against people who object to discriminatory employment practices. For instance, you and your employer argued because you complained about something inappropriate. After the argument, you wondered why you were demoted. When you asked him about it, they could give a logical explanation, or failed to explain at all. You can talk to him to solve the issue. However, you can seek the help of legal counsel to represent you if the situation worsens.

Contact an employment discrimination lawyer


In some cases, you can settle these issues by discussing the situation with the party at fault. However, consider if your employer uses their power and moral ascendancy to force you to conform.

Consider hiring an employment discrimination attorney to represent you and help find sufficient evidence to prove instances of workplace discrimination.

Filing a lawsuit has strict requirements and deadlines. The legal counsel can assist your case management. They will also communicate with you to meet strict deadlines. Fighting for your rights is difficult without having someone that knows the legal system.

In this case, legal counsel should handle the EEOC complaint. They can help you chase the justice that you deserve. They can also put a stop to the discriminatory practices in your workplace.