We bring you 16 celebrity couples who showed us that love is forever!

Source: www.purpleclover.com

1716 famous couples who managed to show everyone that true love can still happen

As we all witnessed on several occasions a celebrity couple and marriage combo doesn’t last for a very long time. We are aware that a fast life is influencing this more than anything, and as it seems, love is the last thing anyone is caring about. The statistics are also not benefiting this and (thanks to a Daily Mail Online article) we found out that 50% of all famous or showbiz couples who got married in the first decade of the century, got eventually divorced by 2014 according to some study. But we digress here, and we will immediately leave this grey area by pointing out 16 famous couples who managed to show everyone that true love can still happen, and be long lasting as well. Enjoy the list!
