Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) active users may have dwindled from time to time. However, they remain the most prolific of the users among all of the social network users.
According to a study by GlobalWebIndex, by 2014 end, seven of the ten internet users claimed to be social network users. Among the set of users, the most visited site remained Facebook.com. Users returned to the network from time to time to either post, share or like posts of friends.
However, within the user group, only 42% reported to be active users, while 73% reported that they visited Facebook once a month.
Meanwhile the number of active users on other social networking sites such as Twitter was 36%, while Google Plus saw only 29% users. Another 25% spent time on LinkedIn the data revealed.
The survey also found that contributions to Twitter Inc were 22% while those to Google Plus were 21%. LinkedIn too saw contributions of 13%.
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) had more user-heavy statistics in comparison to the others. While Facebook users logged into the service at least once per day, active users of other platforms such as Tumblr, LinkedIn as well as Pinterest was far-paced at once a week.
Users on Facebook Inc were active users reported that 53% of them read at least one of the posts from News Feed in the past 30 days. However, users from other platforms such as Google+ only 45% read a post. Meanwhile on Twitter Inc 42% users read at least one post in the news feed.
Surprising aspect of the survey was that most of the users were engaged on social networks via desktop. The study involved 40,000 internet users from 32 countries.
Interestingly, 70% of the participants reported they used ‘Like’ button on Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) every month.