While you could choose just to lie around and wait for your surgical wounds to heal, taking a few extra, yet simple steps can reduce the amount of time you need to recover after a cosmetic surgery procedure.

Tips to Speed Up Cosmetic Surgery Recovery
- Be mindful of what you eat
By making some slight changes to your eating plan, you can help your body recover much faster after a cosmetic surgery procedure. For one, it’s important to reduce your salt intake and to limit the amount of coffee and tea you drink during the day – you want to stay as hydrated as possible. Aim to increase your protein intake, decrease the amount of sugar you eat, and plan several small meals for each day. A quality probiotic is also a must!
- Get moving
According to RitzPlasticSurgery, when you increase your circulation, the flow of lymph fluid increases, too, which will enhance your recovery. While you should get enough rest during your recovery period, it’s still important to move. Walking around your neighborhood or a mall is enough to get your blood flowing.
- Listen to your body
If you lead a busy life, you will probably want to be up on your feet again as soon as possible, but it’s important to listen to your body. No two people have the same type of recovery. If you feel that you need more rest, do that, your body knows how to heal itself.
- Buy or borrow an exercise ball
To break up adhesions and stretch after your surgery, it helps to have a large exercise ball around the house. Use it to gently rotate your body in all directions by lying on your back, sides, and stomach.
- Choose your clothing wisely
The clothing that you wear can also make a big difference in your recovery. To prevent itching, consider wearing a basic tank top under your compression garment. You should also ideally avoid anything that has tight elastic bands or belts, especially over the area that was operated on. If your surgeon has provided you with a compression garment, wearing it as instructed will enhance your recovery.
- Make time for self-massages
Giving yourself massages at home using a mechanical massager can also help your body heal. Just keep in mind that any numbness you’re experiencing may prevent you from feeling how deeply the massager is working – less is more is a better approach.
- Take steps to minimize scarring
There are a number of steps you can take to minimize scarring after a cosmetic surgery procedure. Gently rubbing the scar will stimulate blood flow and help rejuvenate the skin. Silicone sheeting also works really well because it keeps the scar warm and moist while it heals. If your car has already healed, make sure that you apply sunscreen to it daily. Sun exposure can lead to pigmentation and thickening of the scar, making it far more visible.
- Reduce itching
As your wounds heal, they are going to itch. Applying an anti-itch ointment to the area will ensure you’re not as tempted to scratch the area, which will enhance your recovery.
Over and above these tips, following your surgeon’s specific post-op instructions is essential to a smooth recovery period.