People are basically the same, but on the other hand, every individual is completely different. Each of us has something that makes us unique. We present you 20 amazing people that will make you wonder if they actually live on this planet.
20. The Tallest Teenager

Meet Elisany da Cruz Silva is tall. How Tall? Well, probably taller than anyone you know. At 6′ 8″ few are looking down on her if any. She is in a three-year long relationship with Francinaldo da Silva Carvalho. He’s 5′ 4″ so, obviously, she’s always bending down for a kiss, or he is using a chair or some other way of making himself taller.
19. Mr. Eat-All
Michel Lotito or Mr. Eat-All can eat literally anything. Metal, glass, rubber, you just name it, and you can see it disappearing. However, Lotito has a so-called pica disorder, and he simply has the need to eat things you would never consider putting near your mouth.
18. The World’s Largest Hips
LA Diva, Mikel Ruffinelli has hips that measure almost 8 feet in circumference. She weighs 420 pounds, but her waist is only 40 inches wide, while her husband loves her body.
17. The World’s Smallest Waist
Michele Koebke comes from Germany, and she must be proud of her 16-inch waist. In order to achieve this, she has worn a corset every day for the last three years. She has even slept in it and with training tips from this website she achieved her dream of having the smallest waist.
16. The World Largest Mouth
Francisco Domingo Joaquim comes from Angola, and he is the Guinness record holder for the world’s largest mouth which are over 6.5 inches.
15. Stuntman
Eskil Rønningsbakken is a stuntman, but he does all kinds of death-defying balancing acts. He walked a tightrope suspended between two hot-air balloons in mid-flight, and he also stood on his hands on a pile of chairs which were placed overhanging two 3,500-foot tall cliffs.
14. The World’s Biggest ‘Chest’
Beshine, aka Mayra Hills, is an adult film actress. This occupation sometimes brings the fame to you, but she is also known for one other reason. She has the world’s largest ‘chest area.’ She started with regular A Cup size but then she began adding implants, and after a few plastic surgeries she reached a certain size. 32Z to be precise. She also went as far to name them. Boobie and Doobie are the names of her ‘pair.’
13. The Longest Hair
Tran Van Hay cut his hair when he was a boy and then got really sick. He believed that he shouldn’t cut it anymore and now his hair has grown more than 22 feet in length. Oh, yeah and he only washed it several times.
12. The Largest Nose
Mehmet Ozyurek is from Turkey, and his nose is 3.46 inches. It was measured in 2010, so now it has to be even bigger.
11. Grandma from Hell
Chinese woman Zhang Ruifang was 101 (yes, she was young at the time) in 2010 when she noticed a devil-like horn on the left side of her forehead. The horn is over two inches long, and the doctors discovered that there is another one budding on the right side. Kind of creepy.
10. The Blue Man
Interesting story for sure. Paul Karason treated his case of dermatitis with a silver compound. This treatment made his skin bluish after the silver from the cure accumulated in his sells. The condition is known as argyria. He now goes by the nickname of Papa Smurf.
9. The Human Bear
Yu Zhenhuan has 96% of his body covered by hair. This look reminds a lot of people of bears thus the comparison. Despite looking unusual, this man didn’t try to profit from this. Instead, he learned how to play a couple of instruments. He now lives as a traveling musician and is working on his rock star career.
8. Short and Tall
The shortest man is named Chandra Bahadur Dangi, and he is only 1’ 9.5” tall, whereas the tallest man is Sultan Kosen from Turkey and he is 8’3” tall.
7. Skin Stretch
Gart Turner also known around the world as Stretch has the stretchiest skin. It is a rare condition we are talking about, and his skin is two times thinner than a skin of a normal person.
6. The Widest Tongue
Byron Schlenker’s tongue is 3.4” wide, which is wider than an iPhone 6 by almost one whole inch. His daughter inherited the gene and holds the record for widest tongue a woman has at 2.9”.
5. The Half-Ton Man
Kids, the cheeseburger/french fries diet is not right for you. Patrick Deuel learned this the hard way. At his heaviest, he weighed 1,072 pounds. This weight isn’t healthy, so he needed emergency gastric bypass surgery. In order to take him out of his bedroom the paramedics required to break the walls of his room. This operation prolonged his life but not enough to make him lose weight. He passed away in 2016.
4. The Tree Man
Dede Koswara is the real-life Groot. The locals call him The Tree Man, but Dede suffers from a horrid condition because of which branches grow on his hands and feet.
3. The Longest Fingernails
Melvin Boothe holds the world record for the longest fingernails which are more than 32’ long together.
2. The Most Piercings
Rolf Buchholz is from Dortmund, Germany and he has 453 piercings all over his body. He is also covered in tattoos, and he does look scary.
1. The Heaviest Woman
After the most massive man, we now have the heaviest woman. Charity Pierce had 800 pounds. We say ‘had’ because she lost some of it. Well, she lost 440 pounds, so she holds the records for the heaviest woman and for the one who lost the biggest amount of weight. When her’s mother was in the hospital, she wanted to pay her a visit. Doctors told that she could visit after she loose 100 lbs. She did that in five months while featuring on TV Show My 600-lb. Life which was aired on TLC. After that, she had multiple surgeries, and she now can live life normally. Too bad she didn’t make it in time to see her mother in the hospital, or that mother didn’t see the progress that her daughter made.